The life. Life (חיים). A 4 letter’
word. So much meaning, so many intentions. So much. Short, long, good,
challenging, busy, relaxed, stressed, full of experiences, full of emotion,
full of drama, peaceful days ,calm days, present tense, future tense, hard
times, other times, times. Life.
The death. Death (מוות). A 4 letter’
word. So much meaning. It was. It’s over. Last arrangements. Saying good bye. A
will. Time has passed. What happened. A funeral. Sitting Shiva’a. Memories, little
moments kept in the heart, little moments of happiness that are over. All that
remains is the memory in the heart. The times we had. Death.
They say you only live once. What they
do not say is what happens after this time. No one knows, but that does not
stop us from trying and thinking, trying and dreaming. To try and imagine what
happens, and if there is a next world. What that world includes, how it looks
like, and how we are connected to it. When the body and mind disconnect, does
the mind goes on? And who decides where it will go? And when? We are filled
with questions about death often, and when death knocks on our door, only then
we begin to engage in more meaningful questions - questions about our life.
Questions about the core things and
what is meaningful mingle with those of the subsidiary. Do we live our lives as
we wish? What prevents us from doing that? Are we truly happy? What does it
mean to actually be truly happy? How and what do we include in our every day
routine? What is really important, and what is only the illusion of happiness?
Where should we invest the best and the most years of our lives? Should we
marry our first love? Bring children with him/her into the world? Leave and
find happiness somewhere else? How much money should we spend on shopping? What
actually are we buying? Would shopping be what truly makes us happy? Should I
take that job offer? What are the benefits, what are the disadvantages? What should
I study? Does it even matter? Where to study? Where to live while studying? Should
we tell friends how important they are in our lives? To honor our parents and the
closest people to us for all they do for us? Should we love? And who should we
love? Tell an old friend that it was more than just a friendship? Go on a date
with a guy who looks like a good person? Believe him when he says it's serious?
And do we really have control over our lives? Is the control not just something
for us, a tool that helps us spend our everyday life in a more relaxed way?
Life. 4 letters in one word. It’s funny
how life changes in an instant, and we are left stunned. Sometimes, so stunned
that we are left with our mouth open. Funny how sometimes death emerges into
our world at the time when it was most unexpected. They say that life is
fragile. That you only live once. These life, filled with many questions, and
we are to pour our answers into those questions, and live our lives. We should
not pass the time in hope that happiness will come, and that one day we will
get the right decisions. How we will live our lives, what do we do at this
time, and how to navigate in it, are questions we can redirect, answer them,
and even change our answers, if possible. Or at least try.
9 months ago the earth shook under my
feet. At the age of 28 I became from a person who desires life, to a person who
has to "fight for his life", and not loses for a moment the desire to
devour them. Many months of chemotherapy, complicated treatments, being between
life and death, caused me to ask new questions about my life. Also the
proximity to death did the same thing to me. Friends of mine that the cancer
has spread in their body and so they are not here today. Dealing with the understanding
that women, just like you and me that their life in this world had suddenly
stopped. Time is standing still for them and their families. One word changed
to another, four other letters, exchanged life. Death came into the world of
those who were misfortune.
And we? We are here. Living. We get up
in the morning, take another day for granted. Take our whole lives for granted.
The ability to stand, walk, drive, ask questions, answer them, work, learn,
read an article, read a book, watch TV, go out with friends, spending time with
our family, our friends, with those we love. What a shame that 4 other letters,
and the close encounter with it, makes us understand. Cause us to feel deep
inside our hearts how much everything is fluid, and anything can happen at any
given moment. In the meantime, you should take advantage of the four correct letters.
The word that has everything in it. The word that symbolizes more than anything
our being. The here and now. The daily pleasures. This moment. present tense,
future tense. The word that signifies our existence. Life.
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