יום שישי, 30 בנובמבר 2012

Beginning God created the heaven and the earth ..

בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץוְהָאָרֶץ, הָיְתָה תֹהוּ וָבֹהוּ, וְחֹשֶׁךְ, עַל-פְּנֵי תְהוֹם"

 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.  The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep.”

The world was created. There was chaos. After the chaos, God began to work. He created the heavens and the lights and finally created man, and then rested. He worked six days and rested on the seventh. . "ויברך אלוהים את יום השבת לקודשו, כי בו שבת מכל מלאכתו אשר ברא אלוהים לעשות"  (And God blessed the Shabbat and made it sacred, as that it the day when He rested from all his work of creation) – That’s part of our bless that we give at the  Kiddush on Friday night (memories from my parents’ home..)

I grew up in a home of a Bible teacher. My mother was more than 25 years in various positions in the education system, from Bible teacher to national instructor of Bible in the Ministry of Education. As a child, I remember how every trip with Mom and Dad included explanations and stories from the Bible. Jewish Culture, the Jewish heritage and the Jewish world were an integral part of my life. Shortly after my father retired from the IDF (Israel Defense Force) after more than 20 years of service, he decided to start a second career and went into teaching, and of course, following my mother – and became a Bible teacher. Thus, I grew up in a home where I could hear often statements like "עינַיִם לָהֶם וְלֹא יִרְאוּ, אָזְנַיִם לָהֶם וְלֹא יִשְׁמָעוּ ("Eyes they have but they will not see, ears they have but they will not hear”) (Jeremiah, 5) - to express frustration when we didn’t notice something and even statements like: "אִם מִחוּט וְעַד שְׂרוֹךְ נַעַל וְאִם אֶקַּח מִכָּל אֲשֶׁר לָךְ וְלֹא תֹאמַר אֲנִי הֶעֱשַׁרְתִּי אֶת אַבְרָם" " (“If a thread or a shoelace or take anything that is yours and you shall not say I made Abram rich") (Genesis, 14) - when we want to say we will not get anything from anyone for not to say that he enriched us.

So, I grew up in a secular home, but a home that recognizes, respects and cherish the Jewish world. A home where the weekly Torah portion is a significant social issue discussed at the table on Friday night dinner. A home in which "Traveling with the Bible" is a lifestyle and not a slogan. A home where love of the Bible is an integral part of the social structure, and the stories that are accompanied by a moral and social statements arising from the Bible are commonly used. Rules regarding behavior between people, and between the family members. Never did my parents put emphasis on the religious aspect of it, as we see today - a belief in God. We were educated for the main values the Bible speaks of, love of Israel,  and living up to those values.

How does this relate to the cancer that came into my world?

I found myself suddenly thinking about the process I went through in the past nine months. You can say that on January 23rd I experienced my own private Birthright. Since I was diagnosed with cancer in my body, I met dozens of people that shared a common fate with me, some of who were in a better situation than me, and some – worse than mine. For all of them the process was similar - finding a lump in the breast, suspecting something is wrong, making a doctor's appointment, waiting in line, a doctor than having a suspicious finding, sends mammography / breast surgeon / breast ultrasound, another week / two weeks to go, a biopsy is taken, waiting for the results. Results come back, again a doctor's appointment, decide on treatment, wait until the treatment starts, it begins. Recovered. In more severe cases, with time, routine surveillance, the cancer comes back. Suspected metastases, discover the metastasis and the location, deciding on further treatment. More severe cases, metastatic status was not static, out of control. Do not respond to medications anymore. You are between life and death.

What I described here in a few lines becomes the reality for thousands of women a year in Israel. 4000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year in Israel alone. Most of them are going through big parts of the process I mentioned here, in the order that I mentioned.

And I? I grew up in a home with the stories of the Bible. When God created the world, first of all was chaos. Before there was order. Probably the creation of the cancer in my body decided to imitate the creation of the world. Before all there was chaos. Situation between life and death. Immediate risk to life. Critical condition. The doctors are shocked and saddened. They don’t look you in the eyes. They don’t know what to say. No matter how much I explained that there’s no need to worry, and that everything would be fine. Perhaps it was my innocence at that moment, perhaps with pure intent that that’s what will happen, and I'll go out of the Oncology department, 9th floor of the hospital Ichilov, and standing on my feet. Not in a closet. The 9th floor at Ichilov, I understand now, from a distance of time, is the floor from which you don’t necessarily going out walking on your legs. Innocence of me, if you will, I did not realize it at the time. Maybe refusing to accept it created a different reality. And maybe that’s how I went out of the chaos. I started there, and slowly, step by step, as the creation of the world, a part and then another part of me were created, the situation improved a little more, and then some more. And God said let there be light and there was light. My immune system tries to recover.

I was thinking recently what brought me out of the 9th floor of Ichilov and back home. How come I'm still here. The reason is not always clear to me, I have to admit. I did and I'm still doing a lot of other things in order to get better, in addition to conventional medicine, and will tell more about it in one of the following posts. I even flew all the way to China for an unconventional treatment (that I will also elaborate about this later) with my father who took me on a wheelchair. I received excellent treatment at Ichilov Hospital that saved his life. And so I thanked and I still thank the dedicated team of doctors. I started in chaos. Slowly slowly, yet surly, comes the light.

Creation took six days and then God rested. Metastatic breast cancer is for life. It’s chronic. Not everyone who has it gets long life and good quality of living. Metastatic breast cancer is stage four. It has no cure. During the month of October, the month of breast cancer awareness is being marked. For me, awareness should always exist, and always should go up, not only along one month of the year. They say that early detection can and does save lives. Dear girls, I wrote before, I'm writing now and will write in the future – be aware. Get yourself checked, feel the changes in your body. None of you wants to start in chaos on one bright day. Or to get, God forbidden, to a state of  "ויהי חושך"“let there be darkness”. Let's all stay in the light.

9 months ago I was admitted to Ichilov Hospital in critical condition. I'm still here, continuing to tell the story. My own personal creation of the world. My life. I will continue to tell my story and create hope for everyone who thinks that “let there be darkness” can not become “Let there be light”. In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy and live my life. To live and not just to exist. To feel, live the moment and skip a beat when I see the beauty of the world. “ויהי ערב ויהי בוקר, יום חדש.And there was evening and there was morning, a new day.

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